5 simple pre-surf stretches for better performance

Whether you’re a seasoned surfer or a novice just starting your surfing journey, stretching before hitting the waves cannot be overstated. Stretching before any exercise, surfing being no exception, will loosen up your joints, allowing you to perform better and be more fluid with your body movements.

In our guide, we’ll talk you through 5 simple yet very effective and dynamic pre-surf stretches. By following our surf stretch routine, you can make the most of your session in the water. 


Surfing requires a decent amount of flexibility for essential movements like the pop-up, bottom and top turns, cutbacks, and generally surfing down the line, and the more flexible you are, the better chance you have at performing these movements to the best of your ability. But that’s not all, as stretching before surfing plays a crucial role in preventing injuries by releasing muscle tension, improving balance, and giving you the opportunity for faster surfing progression.


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Taking just 5 minutes to stretch before your surf can do wonders. Although you may want to take longer if you have the time - but we don’t blame you if you’re dying to get in because it’s pumping! So anywhere between 5 to 20 minutes, depending on how tight you feel, is a good shout. 



Someone in cobra pose


1. Lay both your hands flat palm down on the ground beneath your pectorals. Straighten both legs and point your toes. Your legs should be touching each other, and your hips should be touching the ground.
2. Take a deep breath, push off your hands, and lift your chest off the ground. Keep your elbows by your side.
3. Breathe out and in slowly and deeply.



Someone in a cat cow pose


1. Start on all fours, with your hand flat on the ground and your knees bent in contact with the ground. Curl your toes and ensure they’re in contact with the ground too. 
2. Breathe in and arch your back whilst looking up. Hold for about 5 seconds.
3. Breathe out, bend your spine upwards and tuck your tailbone in towards your head.
4. Drop your head and look down. 
5. Repeat a few times. 




3 ladies doing a pigeon hip stretch


1. Begin on all fours again. Bring your right knee forward on the ground next to your right wrist.
2. Bring your right ankle in front of your left hip and straighten and extend your left leg behind you. Keep your toes pointed. 
4. Hold for about 10-15 seconds. 
5. Repeat on your other side.




The back of someones shoulders


1. Stand up with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Relax your arms and let them hang down your sides. 
3. Breathe in and lift your shoulders to your ears.
4. Move both shoulders back as if you’re bringing your shoulder blades together.




Someone stretching their neck to the side sitting down


1. Again, stand with hips shoulder-width apart and let your arms dangle.
2. Look forward.
3. Breathe in and out deeply while tilting your head to the right. Think about trying to get your right ear to touch your right shoulder.
4. Repeat on the other side.

Now you’re feeling loose and ready, it’s time to claim those waves!

If you want to ensure your muscles don’t tighten up after your surf, follow our 5 simple after-surf stretches guide below. 


5 simple after-surf stretches