A group of swimmers swimming in a triathlon

Triathlons are sought after and achieved for various reasons; each participant being fuelled by fierce determination. Triathlons are universally known to be difficult, but that's not to say they are impossible! It can take only around one year to six months to transform from being inactive to a full triathlete!

If you're starting your triathlon journey, you'll be in need of a triathlon wetsuit! These are specially-designed to propel you forward through the water. Rather than trapping water between the suit and your skin, a triathlon wetsuit's neoprene is blended with rubber and coated with a hydrophobic or water repellent material.

Check out our store here at Wetsuit Centre. We stock a great selection of trisuits and equipment that you'll need to kickstart your training!

The Best Triathlons in the World

Triathlons vary massively from one to another, with some more strenuous than others. Depending on the location and climate of the triathlon, you can find yourself climbing from Norway's enthralling fjords and summiting their mountainside peaks or racing across a captivating island through humid heat and wet weather.

Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon

Escape from Alcatraz

Difficulty: 4/5
Location: San Francisco, USA
Swim: 1.5 miles
Bike: 18 miles
Run: 8.5 miles (including warmup run)

Although you'll be taking a plunge into the icy water from the San Francisco Belle as opposed to escaping the infamous Alcatraz, this triathlon will still have you embarking on an exciting adventure.

The triathlon entails 1.5 miles of swimming that battles the river’s currents and 13°C temperature. Participants will then begin their warmup run as they transition to the 18-mile bike ride that weaves through the streets of San Francisco before ending with an 8-mile run involving a sand ladder that leaves runners feeling reluctant to climb.


Zalaris Norseman Xtreme

Difficulty: 5/5
Location: Eidford, Norway
Swim: 2.3 miles
Bike: 111 miles
Run: 26 miles

The Zalaris Norseman Xtreme was inspired by the idea that the experience should be more important than the finish line. The trail climbs heights reaching 5,235m, while the temperature of the water plummets as low as 13°C.

As you push yourself to your limits, you'll be surrounded by Norway's jaw-dropping landscape, making it inspiring but challenging. Some claim this triathlon to be the world’s toughest, but we'll leave that to you to decide!

IRONMAN 70.3 Hawaii Triathlon

IRONMAN 70.3 Hawaii

Difficulty: 4/5
Location: Kohala Coast, Hawaii
Swim: 1.2 miles
Bike: 56 miles
Run: 13.1 miles

The IRONMAN 70.3 Hawaii has been described as incredible because of its crystal-clear water and beautiful bike course. However, this course takes no prisoners as you race through its hot and humid climate.

This once-in-a-lifetime challenge is awe-inspiring as the route directs you to swim across the Pauoa Bay harbouring Manta Rays and the infamous Hawaiian green sea turtle!

Once finished, you're then in for a bumpy ride as you begin the bike course that takes you along the coast, totalling 759m in elevation. Finally, the course finishes on a 13.1-mile run where you will make your way around the resort and take in the scenic view.

DATEV Challenge Roth Triathlon

DATEV Challenge Roth

Difficulty: 4/5
Location: Roth, Germany
Swim: 2.3 miles
Bike: 111 miles
Run: 26 miles

One of the biggest and arguably best long-distance events, DATEV Challenge Roth, has been held since 1990. Currently holding the unbeaten record since 2016 is Jan Frodeno, a German athlete who finished the race in just over seven and a half hours.

Originally the race was part of the IRONMAN series but has been held independently since 2001. The course consists of a swim in the Main-Donau Canal followed by a flat bike ride reaching an incredible 111 miles and a 26-mile run.

Starman Night

Difficulty: 4/5
Location: Cairn Gorm, Scotland
Swim: 1.2 miles
Bike: 56 miles
Run: 13.1 miles

This unique challenge will have you exploring Scotland under the stars as you race across the Cairngorms.

Participants swim through Loch Morlich before biking through snaked roads and finishing on a half marathon through Glenmore Forest Park and up Meall a’ Bhuachaille before making their way back down to Loch Morlich.

To ensure everyone's safety from midnight until dawn, participants will have the full support of a swim safety team, marshals, hill safety team and medical support.

Blenheim Palace

Bloodwise Blenheim Palace

Difficulty: 4/5
Location: Woodstock, UK
Swim: 750 metres
Bike: 12.3 miles
Run: 3.3 miles

The Bloodwise Blenheim Palace Triathlon is one of the UK's most iconic. It's the only triathlon to be held at a World Heritage Site. This event is highly recommended to first-time competitors and highly experienced triathletes looking to smash their PBs.

The routes are smooth and forgiving - you won't find any challenging currents or mountainous climbs. Instead, you'll be making your way through the private grounds, classical scenery and the surrounding English countryside!

Israman Triathlon

What is the Hardest Triathlon in the World?

It's hard to single out one triathlon event as the hardest in the world. Instead, we've listed some that fiercely contend with one another as the most difficult triathlons in the world.

IRONMAN Lanzarote

IRONMAN Lanzarote is considered to be one of the toughest triathlons in the world. Participants face climbing over 2,551 meters in elevation through strong winds on their bikes before battling through Lanzarote's ferocious heat on foot.

The Brutal, Wales

Unsurprisingly from the name, The Brutal sets out to stretch you to your limits.

Athletes swim through Lake Padams waters that average at 15°C before embarking on a 28-mile bike ride made up of a 3,000-meter climb, and then another 1,239-meter climb while running across Snowdonia National Park.

Bearman, France

Although The Bearman is one of the newer triathlons, it quickly gained its reputation for being one of the most difficult. You'll find the event located in the French Pyrenees, where athletes are expected to race over a 4,700m-elevation climb before gaining another 1,475m in elevation on foot.

Israman, Israel

Although it may initially sound like a pleasant holiday when you're required to swim through the Red Sea with its temperatures reaching 23°C, you'll quickly find that this is not for the faint-hearted. The bike ride consists of reaching a 2,000m elevation as you climb over the Eilat Mountain Range with its whipping crosswinds and front winds.

Find your perfect trisuit here at Wetsuit Centre. We stock a great range of open water and triathlon suits. If you need some advice to help get you started, contact a member of our team or browse through our blog!


Check out our open water and triathlon wetsuits